MSC: Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training

Professional Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training

MSC Teacher Training Intensive
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Steven,Psy.D., is the Executive Director of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist - see more.
Marta Alonso, is a psychologist collegiate and specialist in clinical psychology - see more
Vanessa Hope, member of the Core Teaching Team at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP)- see more.

MSC Teacher Training Intensive

  • 6 Days
  • 9-15 October 2020
  • Fees:  $950 to $1150  (See + bottom of the page)
  • Workbook
  • See prerequistes below
  • Barcelos - Portugal
  • English
  • Center for Mindful Self-Compassion Certificate

MSC Teacher Training is an intensive, 6-day residential program facilitated by a team of senior MSC teachers. The training is built around the eight weekly sessions of MSC with each half day dedicated to a condensed, experiential review of one of the sessions, followed by small group activities designed to give attendees opportunities to practice teaching, guiding and facilitating discussion in that session with the close consultation of one of the Teacher Trainers. In addition, the training includes short talks, group exercises, discussion, and periods of silence. Participants will be provided with the essential materials to teach MSC programs.

Select the Training – Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training Intensive

For someone to develop genuine compassion towards others, first he or she must have a basis upon which to cultivate compassion, and that basis is the ability to connect to one’s own feelings and to care for one’s own welfare... Caring for others requires caring for oneself

- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

Teaching MSC

What to Expect

MSC Teacher Training is an intensive, 6-day, residential program facilitated by a team of senior MSC teachers. The training is built around the eight weekly sessions of MSC with each half day dedicated to a condensed, experiential review of one of the sessions, followed by small group activities designed to give attendees opportunities to practice teaching, guiding and facilitating discussion in that session with the close consultation of one of the Teacher Trainers.

The Delivery of MSC

The delivery of MSC requires the teacher to teach from a personal integration of what it means to embody a non-judgmental present moment focus with an understanding of how this supports and strengthens such mind states as kindness, compassion and equanimity. This training will provide the opportunity to strengthen these teacher competences.

The Delivery of MSC

The delivery of MSC requires the teacher to teach from a personal integration of what it means to embody a non-judgmental present moment focus with an understanding of how this supports and strengthens such mind states as kindness, compassion and equanimity. This training will provide the opportunity to strengthen these teacher competences.

Didactic and Experiential

This teacher training intensive will integrate didactic and experiential teaching modules. In addition, the training includes short talks, group exercises, discussion, and periods of silence. Participants will be provided with the essential materials to teach MSC programs


Participant Guidelines and Pre-requisites

It is our experience that successful delivery of MSC requires facilitators to have a commitment to an ongoing, daily mindfulness meditation practice. To this end we have created recommendations for acceptance to this MSC training.


Established daily mindfulness practice of at least two years.
Ongoing, daily, sitting meditation practice.
Ongoing practice of loving-kindness and self-compassion in daily life.
Have attended at least a teacher-led silent mindfulness meditation retreat of 5 days


Previous participation in a five-day or eight-week Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Training.
Experience teaching meditation in groups, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or in clinical settings.
You do not have to be a clinician to take the MSC Teacher Training.

Will I be qualified to teach MSC after taking this training?

Feeling ready to teach MSC raises a number of important questions.

The purpose of the 6-day Teacher Training is to establish a basic level of training and proficiency sufficient to begin offering the program to the general public.
As a result of participating in this training you will leave with basic MSC teaching skills. However, this retreat training is not an endorsement for teaching the MSC program. Rather, we believe that preparing to become an MSC teacher requires additional training elements in order to develop competency and best practices skills.
To receive MSC Trained Teacher status, graduates of the Teacher Training are also expected to receive consultation while teaching at least one 8-week MSC program,
either by co-facilitating with a certified MSC teacher or through online group consultation offered through the Center for MSC.
All Trained Teachers are eligible to be listed on the Center for MSC website in a Directory of Trained Teachers.

What can I say when I have attended this training?

After attending the training, you may state: “_____ (your name) has attended and completed the 6-Day MSC Teacher Training through the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.”

What can I do when I have completed this training?

Trained Teacher status is a key step toward Certification. Certification is a process of ensuring that an individual has achieved full competency through experience, training and supervision over a period of time and practice. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness offers certification in conjunction with the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. Please see our MSC Certification Pathway if you have further questions about Certification.

Teacher Training

The MSC program has been in development since 2009, and a MSC training manual is scheduled for publication in 2018 (Guilford Press).

In Detail + FAQ

Tentative Schedule


Steven Hickman

Steven Hickman, Psy.D., is the Executive Director of the Center for Mindful Self Compasssion, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and an Associate Clinical Professor in the UC San Diego Department of Family Medicine & Public Health. His role is to provide oversight, vision, direction and focus for the development and expansion of CMSC around the world. He is also the Director of Professional Training, overseeing the training of teachers from “start to finish” and assuring the highest quality standards and the best possible resources for teaching.  Steve is the Founding Director of the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, a program of community building, clinical care, professional training and research. He has taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for 15 years and has trained teachers of MBSR and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Steve is an MSC teacher trainer, and leads MSC intensives and workshops around the world.

+ Informations about Steven: UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness

Vanessa Hope

I now work full-time as a mindfulness instructor and trainer, teaching and deepening into the practices that have sustained me for so many years. I have taught MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction) courses since 2001 both to General Public Groups and other more specialist courses for Carers, Workplace, Mental Health Groups and Clinical Professionals. I became a member of the Core Teaching Team at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP), Bangor University in 2008, teaching on the Distance Learning Programme and supervising mindfulness teachers. I also taught on the MSc in Mindfulness-based Approaches at Bangor University for five years, both on the Foundation Module and the Teaching 1 Module. I currently teach on their Teacher Training Retreats, Levels 1 & 2, and facilitate Mindful Movement Workshops.

+ Informations about Vanessa Hope

Marta Alonso

DClin Psy. ( ),is a psychologist collegiate and specialist in clinical psychology with the Ministry of Education and Science in Spain. She is the first Certified Teacher and Teacher Trainer in Spanish language and pioneer introducing compassion programs in Spain. Since 2012 has delivered more than 26 MSC courses in her country. She practices meditation since the last 27 years. She is a founding member and the current President of AEMind (Asociación Española de Mindfulness y Compasión) She holds the recognition as European Expert in Psychoterapy by the EFPA. Marta is co-author, along with Vicente Simon and others, of the book “Mindfulness en la Práctica Clinica” and both created the triple Cd with a booklet with 209 minutes of Mindfulness and Self Compassion audios and practices in Spanish with a booklet available in Amazon.

+ Informations about Marta Alonso

MSC Teacher Training Intensive

(Fees + Registration)
$100 “Early-Bird Discount” if you register and pay in full on or before August 15, 2019 Early-Bird Rate On or Before August 15, 2019 After August 15, 2019

Portuguese Citizens



Non-Portuguese Citizens



Room and Board and Local Fees Single or Double Occupancy



  • Non-Portuguese Citizens must add $100 to the registration fees
  • Fees shown above are in $ American Dollars, except for Room, Board and Local fees that are in Euros
  • Upon submission of your registration your application will be reviewed for prerequisites and you will be contacted when it has been formally accepted.

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MSC Teacher Training

The purpose of the 6-day Teacher Training is to establish a basic level of training and proficiency sufficient to begin offering the program to the general public.

Em destaque / Featuring

Curso de Introdução ao Mindfulness

3 níves separados - 58 áudios - 46 práticas
Aprender a praticar Mindfulness e a Florescer

Orientado Vítor Bertocchini, PhD.

Online - Inicia quando quiser

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